Two Questions
Who? And why?
If you’re here, I’m assuming it’s either because you’re curious and just clicked on this link, or you’re a regular reader and subscriber to my mailing list, or a follower, associate or friend on my website or one of my social media platforms – LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube.
You can understand that’s a wide audience spectrum for me to try and understand who’s listening and what are they expecting. Especially when it’s a mixed audience of business readers from and fiction readers from
So before we go into the quiet, thoughtful period of relaxing summer days in the sunshine
away from the office, I would like some input to help me be more effective in future posts, articles, and communications that meet your needs.
It’s time for a survey with two short questions:
Who are you?
Why are you here?
Please take a moment to reply with a comment or check off the boxes below:
Who am I?
Wannabe entrepreneur
Regular subscriber/follower
Accidental/occasional reader
Former client/associate
Why am I here?
Looking for new ideas, inspiration, motivation
Sharing entrepreneurial experience
Learning business fundamentals of leadership and management
Learning new strategies and tactics for success
Thank you allowing me to interrupt your day with my questions.
In appreciation of your time and attention, I’ll give you the guiding principles for all my advice for entrepreneurs condensed into a few words:
Have a purpose and a plan.
Avoid the mistakes (or learn from them when you make them).
Be better. Do Better. Every day.
Be an Enlightened Entrepreneur.
And enjoy your summer!
Del Chatterson, your Uncle Ralph
Learn more about Enlightened Entrepreneurship at: Read more of Uncle Ralph's advice for Entrepreneurs in Don't Do It the Hard Way & The Complete Do-It-Yourself Guide to Business Plans - 2020 Editions.
Read more Blog posts at: LearningEntrepreneurship Blogs.