Learn from the criminals?
Be careful with that idea

My grandson, studying business and finance at UBC, gave me two books to read, Gang Leader for a Day and The Wolfpack, about drug dealers in Chicago and gangsters in Canada – not textbooks he says – and Bloomberg Business Week just published it’s annual heist issue; so apparently we can learn leadership, management and business strategies, skills, and tactics from criminals.
It’s not recommended by your Uncle Ralph, however. It’s probably not a good choice even for the most ambitious and opportunistic entrepreneurs. The fast and luxurious life of a criminal doesn't last and you may end up in jail or dead.
I recommend playing by the rules, live long and prosper, and have your kids proud of
what you do for a living. I know my first novel in the Dale Hunter Series, NO EASY MONEY, about an entrepreneur fighting crime and corruption in business has the sub-title, You never win playing by the rules. But that’s the crooked business associate’s slogan! And he does get killed by another criminal. That part may not be fiction if you go too far breaking the rules.
On the other hand, I have to admit there are some lessons to be learned from the criminals. Be cautious of the competitors who want to kill you, for example. And keep your confidential information away from customers or employees who may want to use or share it for their own benefit.
As Uncle Ralph would say, there are always two important rules to follow.
In just six simple words: Have a plan. Avoid the mistakes.
Be better. Do Better.
Be an Enlightened Entrepreneur.
Del Chatterson, your Uncle Ralph
Learn more about Enlightened Entrepreneurship at: LearningEntrepreneurship.com Read more of Uncle Ralph's advice for Entrepreneurs in Don't Do It the Hard Way & The Complete Do-It-Yourself Guide to Business Plans - 2020 Editions.
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