Words of wisdom from your Uncle Ralph
If you've been following me at LearningEntrepreneurship.com, you've probably already seen my frequently repeated slogans:

Don't do it the hard way.
Have a purpose. Have a plan.
Be better. Do better.
A wise man learns from the mistakes of others. Only a fool insists on making his own.
Avoid the mistakes.
Well, I have a few more to share with you that I rely on personally:
Don't waste time.
Character matters.
You're not better than anybody else, and nobody is better than you. Treat everyone the same way.
Don't look for who to blame; look for what to fix.
Face the facts, don't fight the facts.
Make work fun.
Make a difference in somebody's life every day. Start with a smile and a kind word.
And more words of wisdom from my favourite gurus:
Do what you love, love what you do and deliver more than you promise. Harvey Mackay
Good enough never is. Good is the enemy of great. Jim Collins
A well-handled problem usually breeds more loyalty than you had before. Tom Peters
Build a business to make meaning (the money will follow). Guy Kawasaki
Begin with the end in mind. Seek first to understand, then to be understood. Stephen Covey
It's the small decisions you and I make every day that create our destinies. Anthony Robbins
Do you have your own guiding slogans? Or better ideas?
Your comments and suggestions are always appreciated. Thank you for your interest in my articles and commentary.
Be better. Do Better. Be an Enlightened Entrepreneur.
Del Chatterson, your Uncle Ralph
Learn more about Enlightened Entrepreneurship at: LearningEntrepreneurship.com
Read more of Uncle Ralph's advice for Entrepreneurs in Don't Do It the Hard Way & The Complete Do-It-Yourself Guide to Business Plans - 2020 Editions.
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