With some experience as a traveling sales rep I have learned to appreciate McDonald's egg McMuffin breakfast and Tim Horton's for coffee meetings. So I was intrigued by Tim Horton's newly announced breakfast sandwich.
An opportunity to try it come on a recent early morning flight to Toronto when I realized there would be no breakfast on Air Canada (or any other airline these days!). That's when I noticed a Tim Horton's with its new breakfast combo at only $5.06, tax included, for the egg and sausage sandwich, hash brown's and coffee. Great!

Clearly an imitation of the egg McMuffin, but Tim's version of the hash browns was even worse than McDonald's! A greasy patty of partially cooked potato and spices that looked disgusting and tasted worse. A good idea badly executed. Imitation may be the most sincere form of flattery, but it seems to me the strategy should be to improve on the original, not make the bad even worse. If you try it, skip the hash browns.