Books for both
I noticed on a recent visit to the bookstore that books on golf and business are remarkably similar. Catchy titles: "The six rules for...
Learning Entrepreneurship .com
I noticed on a recent visit to the bookstore that books on golf and business are remarkably similar. Catchy titles: "The six rules for...
That was the advice of David Lank, Director of the Dobson Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies at McGill, in a seminar last evening. I...
Another quotable from my dad, the original Uncle Ralph, which he used a lot when he was coaching me at baseball, but also applies to...
Many golfers have succeeded in business as well as golf and they have relevant advice for us about both. On this Blog we'll worry more...
My next teaching challenge is to present the subject of Entrepreneurship in the Continuing Education program at Concordia University. Can...
I'm currently reading Stephen Covey's latest - "The 8th Habit"; following of course his best selling "The Seven Habits of Highly...
I am just completing the teaching of two summer courses in Financial Management at Concordia University. It's time for their final exams...
I've just returned from an interesting trip to Sept Isles and tour of the Quebec North Shore. Sept Isles is on a large circular bay...
It's not trivial. One thought or idea leads to another. I mentioned Dale Carnegie's original successful book written in 1936 and...
Two long summer weekends and two short weeks every year at the end of June. (Unique to Québec?) Followed by the so-called "construction...
Too much time has passed since my last posting. Apologies to any avid subscribers, but I expect my absence was hardly noticed. My...
A quick comment after another demonstration of what distinguishes good customer service. I've always said the essence of good customer...
I had lunch yesterday with a client and friend who represents for me the essence of entrepreneurship. (He is too modest and discrete for...
After a long weekend there is extra urgency to get a week's work accomplished in the remaining four days. And this weekend I'm away for...
If you're here on Friday morning May 18th, I've gone golfing. Happy Birthday to me in case you forgot. If you found this Blog through my...
If you're here on Friday morning May 18th, I've gone golfing. Happy Birthday to me in case you forgot. If you found this Blog through my...
I started a group a few years ago that resisted the standard approach to networking. This morning was a happy confirmation that we have a...